Phageborn 3,9/5 3889 reviews

The events in the Phageborn digital card game occur in Issilith, a realm destroyed by an unknown evil force. Players don the role of a team of robust champions as they prove their deck-building and decision-making skills in dynamic duels within the dark and unforgiving battlefields of Issilith. Dear friends and fans, Today, Games Revolted made the difficult decision to put all Phageborn Online Card Game related business operations on hold following a challenging period affected by the current situation in our hometown. Our company, together with its investor has suffered significant damage in the last month.

Online tcg games

Dear friends and fans,

Today, Games Revolted made the difficult decision to put all Phageborn Online Card Game related business operations on hold following a challenging period affected by the current situation in our hometown.


Our company, together with its investor has suffered significant damage in the last month.
The unpredictable COVID-19 situation affected our investor greatly due to the nature of their business and, as difficult as it already was, the situation was compounded by the...

Phageborn Card Game


Games Revolted, the independent developer from Croatia, have jumped into early access for their online strategy card game Phageborn. The early access launch on Steam comes a full week earlier than planned after a successful public beta.

In addition to the earlier than planned release, Games Revolted wanted to let players know that this is only the first step in the Phageborn adventure. A new post on the game’s Steam page includes details of the early access roadmap that includes 3 phases before the full release.

Phase 1 of the roadmap upgrades the in-game tutorial system along with visual effects, sounds, voice acting, and animations seeing improvements plus the addition of custom game lobbies. Phase 2 adds competitive rank mode, more localization, cosmetic items, and animations. Phase 3 will consist of a whole new faction with an entire set of cards and avatars. Full release includes in-game guilds, a single player campaign, player profile screen with statistics, AI practice mode, spectator mode, and merchant screen.

Our free public beta launched a week ago, and thanks to the help of our community we were able to identify major bugs and implement the necessary fixes to launch in Early Access a week before we had planned. With so many games getting delayed already this year we thought it would be a nice way to thank and reward the fans who have been with us since the beginning of this dream journey. We look forward to working together toward creating the game that we hope will be the go-to for core strategy card game fans.

Danijel Matić, Games Revolted

With today’s early access launch comes the announcement of the Phageborn game tournament. Players have a chance to compete in a prize pool of 10,000 Euros. The Phageborn Masters Tournament will consist of 16 qualifying tournaments that will span over a period of two months.

Each weekend, starting on March 14, there will be two qualifying tournaments. Each weekend tournament set will host the Saturday event for European audiences and Sunday event for American. Winners of the tournaments will qualify for the Masters Tournament. More details are available at

Phageborn Reddit

The story of Phageborn takes place in the destroyed realm of Issilith by an unknown evil force. Players take a team of strong champions as they strive to prove their deck-building and decision-making skills in dynamic duels on the battlefields. A dual resource system alongside twin lane battlegrounds makes for challenging 2v2 multiplayer action with powerful visuals and deep lore.

Phageborn is now available as an early access title Steam that is regularly priced at $14.99 USD. For more information about Phageborn visit the game’s website at or follow @phageborn on Twitter.

Fantasy Card Games Online


Phageborn Steam

Games Revolted is game development group based out of Zagrab, Croatia. The team was formed in August 2015 when four friends began meeting up to expand upon an idea to produce something great. Shortly after, Games Revolted became an indie studio that has over 15 members of passionate gamers.